Testogel 50 mg


Testogel 50 mg
30 bags per 5 g
Active ingredient: testosterone



Testogel UK is a drug that is used in men during the diagnosis of hypogonadism for testosterone substitution therapy. A man must have both clinical tests (such as loss of body hair and underdevelopment of the genitals) and laboratory tests (blood-testosterone levels) and testosterone deficiency in order to be diagnosed with hypogonadism.

Testogel has testosterone as an active ingredient. When testosterone gel is added to the skin, it raises the total level of blood testosterone. The testosterone that is added performs the same functions as the body’s testosterone.

Testosterone’s critical role in the development of human organs and the production of sexual functions (e.g. men’s reproductive functions, body fat distribution, hair growth). Testosterone During protein synthesis, testosterone also plays a role in controlling the volume of urinary nitrogen, sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, and oxygen.


Testogel UK is used to replace natural testosterone hormones if the body is not precipitated. testogel effect

Testosterone is a natural hormone that regulates normal sexual development and function in men, known as androgen.

In addition to other men’s properties such as face and hair, low voice, sexual desire, muscle mass, and distribution of body fat, testosterone is necessary for the production and maintenance of the male reproduction organ.

Testogel is a cream containing testosterone that you apply regularly to the patient’s skin. Testosterone flows continuously from the gel into the skin and bloodstream.

How fast does TestogeI work?

Alternatively, Testogel, a testosterone product that comes as a gel in a pose, can be applied by applying the gel in a pose, usually over the course of 7–10 days (given as one daily dose of a small amount of the packaging). The medicine can take several months to work and it is not effective for all women


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